GPS Health Online is a trading style of GPS Health Online LTD, Registered in England.
Company No: 12596423. Registered Office Address: 228, Church Lane, London NW9 8SN. VAT Registration No: 360726795
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Cal-M is our unique take on cal-mag, a powdered blend of calcium, magnesium and organic cider vinegar. Cal-M is designed to deliver these important minerals as acetates, making them more readily absorbed by the body.
Calcium and magnesium work in harmony in the human body. We use custom spray-dried cider vinegar, which creates mineral acetates, thereby helping the body assimilate them faster. In addition, Cal-M also provides traces of potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and iron.Cal-M is superior to many other calcium and magnesium blends on the market because it delivers these important minerals as acetats a type of electrolyte compound that is absorbed very well into our cells for use all over the body.
Apple cider vinegar is made from the fermented juice of crushed apples. It contains a naturally occurring compound called acetic acid. When in contact with calcium and magnesium, acetic acid reacts to form the mineral salts calcium acetate and magnesium acetate.